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Four Tips for Living Through a Renovation
Type in “How to live through” in the Google search bar and it will suggest the most common queries – the first being “how to live through...

Why Interior Design is More Important Now Than Ever
Our world has been turned upside down this past month and we are spending more time in our homes now than ever. With all this time...

How To Set Up A Home Office That Will Keep You Focused
Many businesses have moved to have their employees work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. We support this move for enhanced social...

Why Do You Charge For Quoting?
At AMR Design, our pricing structure includes billing our time at an hourly rate. Some firms choose to markup their product excessively...

What They Don’t Show You on HGTV: Interior Design Reality Check
Interior design has become more well-known in mainstream society thanks in part to shows like The Property Brothers, Fixer Upper, and...

The Case for Custom: 3 Reasons to Consider Custom Furniture and Upholstery
Have you considered custom furniture for your home? It allows you to have a uniquely styled home and gives your home character.