Our process is the same for each project and this allows us to provide the same exceptional service to each client who hires our firm. We believe that by creating a tried and true process, our clients will know what to expect throughout their design journey, our firm members effectively work through your project by following a system, and we increase the overall value in our industry.
Last time we discussed the last stage of our Research, Design and Presentation phase: Detailed Design, where we take a deep dive into the details and source all the products, items, decor and furniture for your project. The Research, Design, and Presentation phase ends after we have our Detailed Design Meeting and the selections are all signed off on.
This next phase, Design Management, is where your dream becomes reality and the (physical) work begins. This phase has two separate areas of focus: Product and Construction. Each area will have its own set of tasks and fee structure that will be clearly laid out for you. We will be busy ordering, tracking, and inspecting AMR provided products. We will also be attending site visits to ensure that the project is taking shape in the way that we have envisioned. We will also be in regular contact with your contractor to ensure we are all on the same page regarding the design direction.
New construction and remodeling projects are very involved, and it helps to have a checks and
balance system to keep the project on track. The idea is for everyone involved to work
together for the common goal of producing a beautiful and high quality home that you will love and enjoy for many years to come. We also get to work right away ordering, tracking, receiving, and inspecting all the furniture and design products for your home, as well as booking any necessary trades for design work (such as wallpaper, painting, millwork etc.).

During this phase, we will be having regular site meetings and walkthroughs. While we don’t provide general contracting services, we are a resource to you and a liaison for the process to go smoothly and result in a space that fulfills your vision. We will be your advocate and advisor during the entire process.
Once all the trade work or construction is complete, we will arrange for any products purchased through AMR Design to be delivered and installed in your home. This installation will usually take place over the course of one day, however, for larger projects, this process can take a few days. After you have had a chance to view your new space, we will schedule and attend a completion walkthrough to review any final items that need attention.

No renovation or new build is complete without the final decorative touches. Styling and accessorizing is an additional design service we offer in order to provide you with a fully finished space; one you will enjoy for many years. The professional photos in our portfolio are the result of healthy budgets and final styling. Styling can be done with your existing items but is often supplemented by new products sourced by AMR Design. Our design team “shops the city” to source accessories (such as artwork, vases, throws, bowls, candles, etc.) for the completion of the project. These accessories are delivered to your home on installation day and the design team places each item strategically either in the afternoon or the following day. This gives you the opportunity to enjoy a fully furnished and completed interior. After you have had a chance to spend time in the styled space, we will return to your home to review the styling product you would like to purchase, and pick up the remaining product for return.
Building a new home, renovating, or a large scale decorating project has many moving pieces and we manage all of them on your behalf. It is also an emotional experience and clients are bound to have a range of emotions during the process; it feels like a rollercoaster of ups and downs as we move through the project to completion. While this below graphic explains some of the stress of a renovation, many of the same sentiments can be felt during a decorating project and new build as well.

In any project, there are bound to be deficiencies, or as we prefer to call them, "completions." These are those final pieces near the end that need buttoning up. In a perfect world, everything would be complete for that TV-like reveal of your newly designed home, but unfortunately that is rarely the reality. There are often shipping delays, back orders, touch-ups, and change orders. This is especially true during the current reality of supply chain issues. For more information about these delays and issues, see this blog post: https://www.amrdesign.ca/post/furniture-production
While we work diligently to keep your project on-time and finishing on schedule, there may still be some adjustments once the "big reveal" has taken place. Rest assured that this is a normal part of completing a project.
This concludes our Behind The Design Process blog series. We hope you have found this series informative and helpful as you embark on a renovation. If you have any questions, you can always reach out to your assigned Intermediate Designer if you are already an AMR client, or info@amrdesign.ca if you are not yet a client. The entire series is linked below!